Membership with the Figure Skating Club of Minneapolis gives skaters the ability to skate on club ice, contracted with Augsburg Arena, for practice sessions and private lessons. Skaters may also participate in our annual ice show, the Robin Lee Midwest Open and Summer Skate Competition, and skate with one of our synchronized skating teams.
Membership FAQs
What types of membership are there?
Home Club Member
Introductory/First-Year Member
Associate Club Member
Learn To Skate Member
What are the benefits of a Home Club Membership?
Contract Ice
You can purchase seasonal contract ice at a lower membership rate
You will receive a preferential registration rate for any test sessions hosted by FSC Mpls​
Events & Activities
You are encouraged to participate in any and all club events and activities, including Synchro Panache, Ice Shows, Exhibitions, Banquets and more
You can represent FSC Mpls at competitions, starting at any age or ability! Club members can participate in ISI or USFS competitions around the city, state, even country, and beyond!​
Home Club members are allowed one vote per active skater (this is done by the parent or guardian of skaters under 18 years old)​
What is an Introductory Club Membership?
Introductory club membership is offered at a discounted rate and is available only for first-time USFS memberships (once a skater has "graduated" from their Learn To Skate membership)
Introductory club membership benefits are identical to Home Club membership benefits
What are the benefits of an Associate Club Membership?
Contract Ice
You can purchase seasonal contract ice at an associate membership rate
You can participate in Synchro Panache without leaving your Home Club​
You are invited and encouraged to participate in many of our club activities​
What are the benefits of a Learn To Skate Membership?
Learn To Skate
You can participate in Learn To Skate classes and some specialty classes
Contract Ice
You can skate on contract ice with a private lesson coach and take your skills to the next level!​
You can participate in any Learn To Skate competitions and explore what the sport has to offer!​
What is my role as the parent of a Club Member?
Club members are asked to volunteer their time with the club each year. There are many different and fun ways to do this. Club programs are only possible because of the time volunteered by our club members.
If you're new and looking to sign up for group lessons, visit the Learn To Skate Page and register for group lessons. No additional membership is required!
This membership is for any first time USFS members. If you are "graduating" from Learn To Skate and ready for testing or competitions beyond Compete USA, this is your gateway!