The Figure Skating Club of Minneapolis is a volunteer run, non-profit organization. We could not survive without the support of our parent, skater, and skate loving volunteers.
We strive to make volunteering fun and social... we know you have a lot going on in your life, so we appreciate whatever time and talent you can bring to support the club.
Look below for our current volunteer needs or email info@fscmpls.org with any questions or ideas.
Is there a required number of hours I volunteer?
Currently, no! If you have time to help with one task, one event, or lead one entire initiative for a week, a month, or a year... the amount of time you supply is entirely up to you.
How do I know what types of help the club needs?
This webpage and our monthly-ish newsletter will list specific roles we are looking for, however... if you have talents that you want to share with the club, we can always find a way to channel that energy to benefit our skaters! Let us know if you have an idea, a connection, or a special skill you'd like to have put to use!
Who do I contact to volunteer?
Email info@fscmpls.org for general inquiries. If there are specific roles we share, there may be a specific contact person listed as well.
What roles are you looking for right now?​
Board Member Elections are coming up in May. We meet monthly, sometimes in person and sometimes virtually. We work together to keep the club running. Everything from Marketing to Bookkeeping, Ice Buying to Event Planning. We are always looking for new talents and personalities to expand our capabilities.​